Sunday, September 6, 2009

Financial Freedom. What is It?

Financial Freedom issue is getting into lively conversation, lately. Books written about this issue are widely available on bookstores. Article on this subject are also widely available on the internet. There's only one reason here: "No one who doesn't want to have financial freedom". But, what really financial freedom is? This Blog "FINANCIAL FREEDOM" is created to help you achieving your financial freedom.

When I browsed the internet, I got it on the Wikipedia, but what I found here was "wealth", not "financial freedom". And wealth, according to Wikipedia is:

"The abundance of valuable resources or material possessions, or the control of such assets". The word wealth is derived from the old English 'wela', which is from an Indo-European word stem. An individual, community, region or country that possesses an abundance of such possessions or resources is known as wealthy. *)

Financial Freedom, according to Scott H Young, is: "Not needing to worry about money. Money should not be a dominating force in making decisions in your personal or professional life".

According to Scott H Young financial freedom is more important than wealth. And, there are three main elements to financial freedom: **)

1. Automatic income to sustain yourself without needing to work.
2. Higher income than spending.
3. A low poverty threshold.

The question then is: "How can I achieve my financial freedom?"


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